Environmental Performance and Environmental Accounting

Environmental Performance Data

The Group’s Environmental Performance

Scope of application

The Group’s production bases (Domestic: 9 business sites; Overseas: 14 business sites)
Scope of application regarding greenhouse gas emission

(1) The scope of application of Scopes 1 and 2 is the same as the above scope of application.

(2) Regarding the scope of application of Scope 3, the scope of calculation is clearly indicated for each category.

Greenhouse gas emissions related to Scope 2

(1) Scope 2 emissions show the CO2 emissions calculated using the methods of market standards*.

(2) The CO2 conversion factor in the calculation of CO2 emissions associated with power usage uses the following published values. However, the conversion factor for electricity derived from renewable energy is set to zero.
Japan: Annual coefficient for each power company announced in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
Outside of Japan: Annual coefficients announced in “Emissions Factors,” a publication of the International Energy Agency (IEA).


(1) Regarding greenhouse gases other than CO2 are excluded from calculation because their relationship to the Group’s business activities is negligible and due to extremely low emissions.

(2) The scope of application was reviewed in fiscal 2023 and past results were updated.

(3) All data was reviewed prior to disclosed.

A method of calculating Scope 2 emissions based on the contents of the contract for purchased electricity (a calculation method taking into account the amount of renewable energy procured)

CO2 emissions and water consumption by country (FY 2023)

Country CO2 Emissions*
Water Consumption
Japan 133,325 2,380,824
China 2,442 8,970
Taiwan 16,245 85,193
Vietnam 21,772 147,984
Malaysia 772 25,948
Indonesia 47,877 257,606
Thailand 43,662 640,850
Turkey 37,775 726,386
United Kingdom 4,428 62,392
United States 8,382 51,369
Australia 11,300 40,895
Hungary 157 456
Total 328,138 4,428,873

CO2 emissions and water consumption by production sites for the Group (FY 2023)

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Country Production site CO2 Emissions*
Water Consumption
Japan GS Yuasa International Ltd. (Kyoto, Osadano, Gunma, Ritto and Kawagoe Plants) 98,084 1,356,025
GS Yuasa Energy Co., Ltd. 26,812 811,019
GS Yuasa Ibaraki Co., Ltd. 3,725 134,373
GS Yuasa Moldings Co., Ltd. 2,930 38,548
GS Yuasa Azumino Co., Ltd. 1,773 40,858
China GS Battery (China) Co., Ltd. 2,442 8,970
Taiwan GS Battery Taiwan Co., Ltd. 16,245 85,193
Vietnam GS Battery Vietnam Co., Ltd. 21,772 147,984
Malaysia GS Yuasa Battery Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 772 25,948
Indonesia PT. Trimitra Baterai Prakasa 21,822 113,259
PT. Yuasa Battery Indonesia 26,055 144,347
Thailand Siam GS Battery Co., Ltd. 26,538 419,556
Yuasa Battery (Thailand) Pub. Co., Ltd. 12,074 177,101
GS Yuasa Siam Industry Ltd. 5,050 44,193
Turkey Inci GS Yuasa Aku Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi 37,775 726,386
United Kingdom GS Yuasa Battery Manufacturing UK Limited 4,428 62,392
United States Yuasa Battery, Inc. 8,382 51,369
Australia Century Yuasa Batteries Pty. Limited 11,300 40,895
Hungary GS Yuasa Hungary Ltd. 157 456

Changes in Scope 1 and 2 emissions (Unit: t-CO2)

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Items Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Scope 1 emissions 66,181 63,867 67,085 64,841 57,838
Scope 2 emissions 300,250 284,985 285,785 249,204 270,299
Total 366,432 348,852 352,870 314,046 328,138

Our calculated Scope 3 emissions (Fiscal 2023)

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No. Category CO2 Emissions
Scope of application
1 Purchased goods and services 560,759 GS Yuasa International Ltd.
2 Capital goods 135,092 GS Yuasa International Ltd., GS Yuasa Energy Co., Ltd., and GS Yuasa Technology Ltd.
3 Fuel- and Energy-related activities not included in scope 1 or scope 2 59,555 The Group’s production sites
(domestic: 9 business sites; overseas: 14 business sites)
4 Upstream transportation and distribution 8,039 GS Yuasa International Ltd. (Restricted to transportation of freight involving specified shippers*)
5 Waste generated in operations 1,322 Domestic production sites (9 business sites)
6 Business travel 867 Domestic production sites (9 business sites)
7 Employee commuting 2,533 Domestic production sites (9 business sites)
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 17,930 Domestic production sites (9 business sites)
Total 786,096  

Shippers whose annual freight transportation volume exceeds 30 million ton-kilometers based on the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy

Changes in the water intake by the Group (Unit: m³)

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Water source Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Water for industrial use
(Third party water)
2,784,650 2,412,307 2,259,858 2,129,786 2,101,644
Underground water 1,523,218 1,530,950 1,507,990 1,440,132 1,536,266
Public water supply
(Third party water)
838,682 789,858 832,153 795,278 790,963
Other 25,446 - - - -
Total 5,171,997 4,733,116 4,600,001 4,365,196 4,428,873

There is no water intake from sources other than those listed in the table above.

Changes in the amount of wastewater (Unit: m³)

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Discharge destination Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
River 2,166,819 1,964,975 1,843,706 1,741,475 1,793,963
Underground water 1,949,237 1,935,404 1,880,884 1,702,239 1,710,687
Total 4,116,056 3,900,379 3,724,591 3,443,714 3,504,651

There are no discharges from business sites to the oceans or to water treatment facilities other than those at business sites.

Percentage of environmentally considered products in total sales of all products

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Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
34.4% 34.8% 36.5% 36.4% 38.7%

Ratio of recycled lead used as lead raw materials in lead-acid batteries

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Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
50.5% 54.6% 63.3% 56.5% 65.7%

Environmental Performance of Domestic Business Sites

Scope of application

Nine domestic sites ( GS Yuasa International Ltd. (Kyoto, Osadano, Gunma, Ritto and Kawagoe Plants), GS Yuasa Energy Co., Ltd., GS Yuasa Ibaraki Co., Ltd., GS Yuasa Moldings Co., Ltd. and GS Yuasa Azumino Co., Ltd.)
Greenhouse gas emissions related to Scope 2

(1) Scope 2 emissions refer to CO2 emissions calculated based on market standards*.

(2) Scope 2 emissions are calculated using the annual coefficient for each power company announced in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. However, the conversion factor for power derived from renewable energy is set as zero.


(1) Environmental performance related to transportation refers to actual values for GS Yuasa International Ltd.

(2) All data was reviewed prior to disclosed.

A method of calculating Scope 2 emissions based on the contents of the contract for purchased electricity.

Environmental performance data (fiscal 2023)

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Classification Product life cycle Items Unit Total Content Breakdown Remarks
INPUT Production Amount of main materials consumption t 193,473 Virgin materials 97,590 Lead, sulfuric acid, plastics, etc.
Recycled materials 95,883
Amount of water consumption 2,380,824 Water for industrial use 1,004,634 Third party water
Underground water 1,093,160  
Public water supply 283,030 Third party water
Amount of energy consumption
(crude oil conversion)
kL 100,758 Electricity 87,493  
City gas 10,226  
LPG 2,869  
Kerosene, gasoline, diesel 170  
Physical distribution Amount of energy consumption
(crude oil conversion)
kL 3,040 Gasoline, diesel 3,040 Energy consumption based on volume of cargo transportation
Waste Volume of used products recovered t 4,515 Industrial Batteries, Power Supplies 4,515  
OUTPUT Production Amount of waste discharged t 12,807 Waste plates, batteries, and lead paste 4,230  
Metal scraps 350  
Lithium-ion batteries 3,032  
Waste paper and garbage 928  
Sludge 1,064  
Waste acids, alkaline substances 906  
Waste plastic 998 Emissions at GS Yuasa International Ltd.: 386t
Wood scraps 564  
Other 734  
Amount of recycling t 12,183 Waste plates, batteries, and lead paste 4,230  
Metal scraps 350  
Lithium-ion batteries 3,032  
Waste paper and garbage 863  
Waste acids, alkaline substances 776  
Sludge 962  
Waste plastic 871  
Wood scraps 456  
Other 642  
Amount of final disposal t 625 Waste plates, batteries, and lead paste 0  
Sludge 102  
Waste plastic 127  
Waste paper and garbage 65  
Wood scraps 108  
Waste acids, alkaline substances 129  
Other 92  
Amount of waste water 2,034,434 Public water body 1,210,380 River
Sewage disposal 824,055  
Amount of CO2 emissions t-CO2 133,325 Electricity 105,887 Scope 2 emissions
City gas 20,342 Scope 1 emissions
LPG 6,642
Kerosene, gasoline, diesel 453
Physical distribution Amount of CO2 emissions t-CO2 8,039 Gasoline, diesel 8,039 Scope 3 emissions (category 4)
Waste Volume of used products recycling t 3,733   3,733  
Final disposal volume (used products) t 782   782  

Status of violations of permits, standards, and regulations related to water quality and quantity (fiscal 2023)

Items Number of violations of laws and regulations
for which have been imposed penalties
Number of administrative measures
Water intake 0 0
Waste water 0 0

Data on changes in environmental performance

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Category Items Unit Fiscal
INPUT Amount of main materials consumption t 197,972 186,225 188,020 186,298 193,473
Amount of water consumption 2,474,798 2,455,407 2,348,351 2,256,768 2,380,824
Amount of energy consumption in production
(crude oil conversion)
kL 97,816 96,772 98,869 99,872 100,758
Amount of energy consumption in physical distribution
(crude oil conversion)
kL 3,411 3,409 3,598 3,302 3,040
Volume of used products recovered t 4,294 5,006 4,773 4,573 4,515
OUTPUT Amount of recycling (waste) t 12,809 11,126 12,083 12,625 12,183
Amount of final disposal (waste) t 629 598 504 633 625
Amount of wastewater 2,116,450 2,171,530 2,020,468 1,960,932 2,034,434
Amount of CO2 emissions in production t-CO2 143,670 146,888 134,505 109,634 133,325
Amount of CO2 emissions in physical distribution t-CO2 8,931 8,953 9,484 8,702 8,039
Volume of used products recycling
(used products)
t 3,566 4,156 3,952 3,782 3,733
Final disposal volume
(used products)
t 728 850 822 791 782

Changes in consumption of major raw materials

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Items Unit Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Lead compounds t 148,486 139,299 139,669 134,251 139,087
Sulfate t 31,769 30,189 30,899 29,286 29,193
Plastic t 14,185 13,800 13,351 13,493 14,591

Status of release and transfer of substances subject to the PRTR Law (Unit: kg)

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Substances subject to
the PRTR Law
Sites Released
into the air
into public
to sewage
outside the
Lead compounds* Kyoto 130.0 0.0 3.4 15,000.0 15,133.4
Osadano 59.0 0.0 12.0 1,100.0 1,171.0
Gunma 29.0 3.9 0.0 59.8 92.7
GS Yuasa Energy 13.0 2.6 0.0 4,000.0 4,015.6
GS Yuasa Ibaraki 29.0 5.6 0.0 40.0 74.6
GS Yuasa Azumino 6.4 0.0 0.0 11.0 17.4
Arsenic and its inorganic compounds* Kyoto 3.4 0.0 0.3 3.8 7.5
Gunma 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6
GS Yuasa Energy 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6
Antimony and its compounds Kyoto 13.0 0.0 0.3 1.4 14.7
Osadano 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 1.7
Gunma 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0
GS Yuasa Energy 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5
Manganese and its compounds Kyoto 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,200.0 3,200.0
Osadano 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 7.4
Ritto 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,000.0 8,000.0
Nickel compounds* Kyoto 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,600.0 3,600.0
Osadano 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.8
Ritto 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,600.0 2,600.0
Cobalt and its compounds Kyoto 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,200.6 1,200.6
Osadano 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3
Ritto 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,600.0 1,600.0
Dichloromethane GS Yuasa Ibaraki 1,700.0 0.0 0.0 36.0 1,736.0
N,N-dimethylformamide GS Yuasa Molding 3.0 0.0 450.0 1,700.0 2,153.0
boron compounds Osadano 2.5 0.0 0.0 230.0 232.5
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Kyoto 1,200.0 0.0 0.0 8,780.0 9,980.0
Ritto 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,200,000.0 1,200,000.0
Total   3,198.4 14.7 467.7 1,251,164.1 1,254,844.9

Production of Specific Class I Designated Chemical Substances

Environmental Accounting

Scope of calculations for environmental accounting

Nine domestic sites (GS Yuasa International Ltd. (Kyoto, Osadano, Gunma, Ritto and Kawagoe Plants), GS Yuasa Energy Co., Ltd., GS Yuasa Ibaraki Co., Ltd., GS Yuasa Moldings Co., Ltd. and GS Yuasa Azumino Co., Ltd.). Note, however, that environment-related equipment costs within business area costs do not include onsite affiliated companies.
Period covered
April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 Edition (issued by the Ministry of the Environment)

Environmental conservation costs (categorized by business activity)

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Category Key
(Thousands of yen)
Business area costs (total) 1,732,206
Breakdown Pollution prevention costs Efforts to prevent air pollution 360,958
Efforts to prevent water pollution 1,049,630
Global environmental
conservation costs
Efforts to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions
Resource recycling costs Efforts to ensure
suitable disposal of waste
Upstream and
downstream costs*1
Additional efforts to
reduce environmental burden
Management activity costs*2 Employee education and
ISO 14001 maintenance
and management
Research and
development costs
Research and development efforts
in consideration of the environment
Social activity costs Environmental volunteer efforts 5,177
remediation costs
Efforts related to
soil pollution measures
Total 15,746,572

Economic effect of environmental conservation initiatives

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Category Key item Monetary
(Thousands of yen)
Economic effects of
more efficient water use
Water use and wastewater cost reduction*3 -14,150
Energy conservation effects Cost reductions for electricity,
heavy oil and gas (city gas, LNG, LPG)*3
Waste reduction effects Cost reduction for industrial waste treatment*3 -15,156
Resource recycling effects Profit from recycling and reusing waste 586,839

Effect of environmental conservation

Category Key items Material amount Unit
Effects related to resources used in business activities Amount of recycled water used 1,130,807
Amount of reduction in water use*3 -124,056
Amount of energy saved (crude oil conversion)*3 -886 kL
Effects related to environmental burden and waste from business activities Amount of CO2 reduced*3 -23,691 t-CO2
Amount of waste reduced (final disposal volume) *3 8 t
Amount of wastewater reduced*3 -73,503
Amount of waste recycled 12,183 t
Recycling rate*4 95 %
[Water quality] Amount of lead discharged 28 kg
[Air] Amount of lead emitted 266 kg

1Upstream and downstream costs are the total of consulting expenses and expenses for contracts to create new products based on the Law for Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging.

2In addition to employee education, and costs related to ISO 14001 maintenance and management, the management activity cost includes expenses related to information disclosure.

3The tables show amounts reduced compared with the previous fiscal year (negative amounts represent increases).

4Recycling rate (%) = (amount recycled / amount of waste) x 100

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