
GS Yuasa’s Initiatives for the SDGs

GS Yuasa is engaged in various initiatives and projects relating to the SDGs.

Click on the respective SDGs icons
to view examples of our initiatives

Click on the respective SDGs icons to view examples of our initiatives

  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Reduced inequality
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development goals

Zero Hunger

The TABLE FOR TWO ( TFT) program is implemented every month at the GS Yuasa employee cafeteria

TABLE FOR TWO (TFT) is a movement in which one person donates one school lunch in a developing country for every meal they eat. Since June 2010, we have been offering a TFT menu at our employee cafeteria every month. 20 yen per meal purchased from the TFT menu is donated to developing countries in Africa, Asia through the TFT Secretariat. In fiscal 2023, we donated 54,900 yen (equivalent to 2,745 school lunches) in the Kyoto Office.

The TABLE FOR TWO (TFT) campaign is implemented every month at the GS Yuasa company cafeteria


Good Health
And Well-being
Good Health And Well-being

Sponsoring the Emperor's Cup National Wheelchair Ekiden Race

GS Yuasa has been sponsoring the Emperor's Cup National Wheelchair Ekiden Race since 2019. The purpose of the National Wheelchair Ekiden Race is to promote social participation of people with disabilities and sports for the disabled, as well as to deepen society's understanding and awareness of people with disabilities. Through this sponsorship, we will continue to contribute to the development of local communities and provide support for people with disabilities in a variety of ways.

Sponsoring the Emperor's Cup National Wheelchair Ekiden Race

Sponsoring the " GS YUASA OPEN," a women's professional tennis tournament

GS Yuasa is a special co-sponsor of the GS YUASA OPEN, a women's professional tennis tournament. This tournament is officially recognized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the Japan Tennis Association (JTA) as a gateway to international competition for women tennis players, and we have supported this event since 1990. We will continue to contribute to the promotion of sports culture and the development of local communities through such activities.



Sponsoring the "GS YUASA OPEN," a women's professional tennis tournament

Sponsorship Agreement with J-League Kyoto Sanga F.C.

GS Yuasa has concluded an official sponsorship agreement with Kyoto Sanga F.C. of the J. League in support of the philosophy of "sharing the dreams and excitement of all people associated with Sanga and contributing to the development of local communities". Going forward, we will continue to contribute to the development of local communities through our sponsorship of Kyoto Sanga F.C.

Sponsorship Agreement with J-League Kyoto Sanga F.C.

Japan Rugby League One Season Partner Agreement with Mie Honda Heat

GS Yuasa has become a Diamond Partner of Mie Honda Heat. As a partner of the Mie Honda Heat, which continues to tirelessly "take on challenges," we would like to form a scrum with the fans and share the "passion" that the Mie Honda Heat emits. We will contribute to the promotion of sports culture through the partnership agreement with Mie Honda Heat.

Japan Rugby League One Season Partner Agreement with Mie Honda Heat

Sponsorship Agreement with B.LEAGUE KYOTO HANNARYZ

GS Yuasa has become a Gold Partner of KYOTO HANNARYZ, a team in the B.LEAGUE, in support of their vision. Through this partnership with KYOTO HANNARYZ and the sport of basketball, GS Yuasa will continue to contribute to the promotion of sports culture and the development of local communities.

Sponsorship Agreement with B.LEAGUE KYOTO HANNARYZ

Quality Education

GS YUASA ECO Art Contest for Elementary School Students is held every year

Since 2009, GS Yuasa Battery, our group company, has held the "GS YUASA Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students" every year, inviting elementary school children to submit artwork depicting "nature" as a theme, in the hope that the contest will encourage children and their families to think together about what the environment means to them. Through these activities, we will continue to contribute to the formation of an environmentally conscious society.


GS Yuasa Battery's CSR and Sustainability Initiatives
(Website available only in Japanese)
GS YUASA ECO Art Contest for Elementary School Students is held every year

Support for "Kokoro no Gekijo," by the Shiki Theatre Company

The GS Yuasa Group supports some performances of "Kokoro no Gekijo" (in Kyoto, Gunma, and Shizuoka prefectures) , sponsored by Performing Arts Centre Foundation and the Shiki Theatre Company. "Kokoro no Gekijo" uses the stage to communicate to children such important life lessons as the value of life, consideration of others, and the joy of trusting each other. Children across Japan are invited to the performances in school groups, free of charge. Through this sponsorship, we will continue to support activities to bring the excitement of the stage to the children who will lead the future.



Supporting "Kokoro no Gekijo" as a volunteer for performances in fiscal 2023
(Website available only in Japanese)
Support for "Kokoro no Gekijo," by the Shiki Theatre Company

Holding handmade battery workshop every year

GS Yuasa Energy, our Group company, is in charge of a handmade dry cell battery workshop that travels to Kosai City during "integrated learning time." This initiative has been conducted every year since 2007 as part of our contribution to the local community. As a class where students can enjoy making things and learn about the mechanism and history of batteries, a cumulative total of approximately 6,300 students have participated in the class by 2018, and we will continue to offer this class in the future. In addition, every year we have a booth at the Kosai City Board of Education's Youth Science Experience to show the appeal of batteries and manufacturing.


GS Yuasa Energy's handmade dry cell battery workshop
(Website available only in Japanese)
Holding handmade battery workshop every year

Gender Equality

Received Platinum Kurumin certification by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

GS Yuasa received Platinum Kurumin certification in 2020. We have long worked to create environments where employees can continue to work while caring for children and first received Kurumin certification in 2017. Since then, we have established action plans to promote support and enhance its effects, expanded the applicable period of the program for reduced working hours for childcare, introduced a telecommuting program for employees who are taking care of children, and took other measures. We are committed to promoting the creation of workplaces where employees can balance work and childcare with peace of mind.

News Release


Received Platinum Kurumin certification by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(Website available only in Japanese)
Received Platinum Kurumin certification by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Promoting initiatives to promote women's activities

The GS Yuasa Group is committed to increasing opportunities for female employees to play an active role by supporting the two axes of ”career development” and ”support for work-life balance.” In 2018, we launched the "GY Mirai Project" to actively recruit diverse human resources and continuously develop an environment that allows each individual to make the most of their individuality and abilities, and to create a workplace where each individual can continue to work with enthusiasm and fulfillment.

〈Main initiatives〉

Babysitter fee subsidy program

Sharing information on support systems using the in-house intranet

Conducting information exchange meetings for work-childcare balance

Published and distributed the Handbook on Supporting Work-Childcare Balance



Diversity special website of GS Yuasa
(Website available only in Japanese)
Promoting initiatives to promote women's activities

Support for "PRIDE IN KYOTO"

GS Yuasa supports " PRIDE IN KYOTO", an event to promote LGBTQ understanding. In order to realize a workplace where each and every employee can work with vigor and satisfaction, GS Yuasa has declared that it does not discriminate in any way, including against sexual minorities. In addition, GS Yuasa has designated one week from the third Monday in June as Pride Week since fiscal year 2023, and has been conducting awareness-raising activities, awareness surveys, and allied declarations.

Support for PRIDE IN KYOTO

Clean Water
And Sanitation
Clean Water And Sanitation

Large-capacity membrane filtration systems incorporating microfiltration membranes help improve water quality by purifying sewage

GS Yuasa Membrane, our group company, has developed a proprietary microfiltration membrane (Membrane Filter) that is used in many wastewater treatment facilities in Japan and overseas.
The Membrane Filter is a mass microfiltration membrane developed from the separator technology of lead-acid batteries. By immersing the water in a sewage tank and performing suction filtration, bacteria and particulates are removed and treated water with stable quality can be obtained. GS Yuasa Membrane's membrane technology is used to purify and recycle water, and contribute to the realization of an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Large-capacity membrane filtration system reuses wastewater

Reuse of treated rainwater

At our Gunma Plant, we are working to reduce industrial water consumption by reusing water that has been properly treated by rainwater treatment facilities, such as backwash water of industrial water filtration equipment and rainwater. Through this initiative, we aim to reduce industrial water consumption by approximately 1,500 ㎥ / year or more.

Reuse of treated rainwater

And Clean Energy
Affordable And Clean Energy

Installs VPP-Compatible Electricity Storage Systems -The Systems are Expected to Contribute to Electricity Supply-Demand Adjustment, Peak Cutting, and Business Continuity Contingency Measures-

At the Kyoto Plant, we have introduced a power storage system manufactured by our company that can handle virtual power plants (VPP) and that performs energy management taking into account the balance between power supply and demand. By adjusting the power supply balance in the plant during normal times and utilizing it for peak cut in the event of tight demand, we have been able to achieve stabilization of power supply and lower power consumption costs. In addition, in the event of an emergency such as a power outage due to a large-scale disaster, supplying power in cooperation with solar power generation systems to lighting load (lighting and outlet equipment) and power load (air conditioning equipment) has also played a role in ensuring employee safety and business continuity.

Installs VPP-Compatible Electricity Storage Systems -The Systems are Expected to Contribute to Electricity Supply-Demand Adjustment, Peak Cutting, and Business Continuity Contingency Measures-

The World’s Largest Storage Battery Facility Delivered by GS Yuasa has Entered Service and Contributing to the Construction of a Wind Energy Transmission Network

In March 2023, the world’s largest storage battery facility (equipped with about 210,000 modules and 3.3 million cells), which was delivered to North Hokkaido Wind Energy Transmission Corporation by GS Yuasa Corporation, started its operation. GS Yuasa is committed to the maintenance of this storage battery facility for the next 20 years. The storage battery facility, with an output of 240 MW and a capacity of 720 MWh, is located at the Kita Toyotomi Substation of Northern Hokkaido Wind Power Transmission. Linking with wind power generation equipment suppresses output fluctuations caused by weather changes, contributing to the stabilization of the system.

The World’s Largest Storage Battery Facility Delivered by GS Yuasa has Entered Service and Contributing to the Construction of a Wind Energy Transmission Network

Provider:CHIYODA Corporation

Container Lithium-ion Battery System Delivered to Nishinoshima Transformer Station of Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Contributing to the Expanded Use of Renewable Energy and Stable Power Supply in the Oki Islands

Aiming to expand the introduction of renewable energies (wind and solar power) in the Oki Islands, where the power grid is not connected to the mainland, we have installed "hybrid storage systems" that combine two types of storage batteries with different characteristics to ensure electric power quality and reduce installation costs. By providing small-capacity, high-output lithium-ion batteries for the hybrid electricity storage system, GS Yuasa contributed to expanding renewable energy capacity installed on the Oki Islands from roughly 2,300kW to about 8,000kW in a short period of time.

Container Lithium-ion Battery System Delivered to Nishinoshima Transformer Station of Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Contributing to the Expanded Use of Renewable Energy and Stable Power Supply in the Oki Islands

Decent Work
And Economic Growth
Decent Work And Economic Growth

Developing quality control personnel through "Monozukuri Expert" training

On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the Group has been continuously holding "Monozukuri Expert" education and training sessions since October 2017, with the aim of developing human resources who can "study manufacturing" as stated in the Group's basic quality policy, mainly to acquire the management skills necessary for design and development and to put them into practice. It is expected that after one year of training, the participants of this workshop will become experts and further develop into autonomous-minded human resources, who will use their knowledge and experience to become the core of quality improvement activities in their business units.

Developing quality control personnel through "Monozukuri Expert" training

Supporting the Co-Creation Art Project "Kyoto Font"

The "Kyoto Font" project is a co-creation art project in which companies and organizations use fonts and patterns created by designers in cooperation with local businesses that support people with disabilities and artists with disabilities for publicity, sales promotions, and product packaging, and return a portion of the royalties to the artists with disabilities. We agree with the Philosophy of "Kyoto Font", "to expand opportunities for artists with disabilities to participate in society", and are a supporter company of the organization. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by supporting the social participation of people with disabilities and the revitalization of local communities through the "Kyoto Font" project.



We support "Kyoto Font".
Supporting the Co-Creation Art Project

Industry, Innovation
And Infrastructure
Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure

Join the "Kansai Storage Battery Human Resource Development Consortium"

In order to achieve the goal of establishing a manufacturing capacity of 150 GWh by 2030 as the domestic manufacturing base for storage batteries and materials, the Public-Private Sector Conference on Storage Battery Industry Strategy has set the goal of developing and securing a total of 22,000 personnel for battery manufacturing and 30,000 personnel for the supply chain as a whole. In order to realize this goal, we have joined the "Kansai Storage Battery Human Resource Development Consortium," whose secretariat is the Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Battery Association of Japan (BAJ), and the Battery Supply Chain Council (BASC). The industry-academia-government collaboration will share the current situation and issues related to human resource development and securing, and then work to realize a vision of the kind of human resources that should be sought after, and deepen discussions on future initiatives. Specifically, we will study the introduction of an educational curriculum at technical high schools and technical colleges, etc., and the start of educational programs at AIST and other supporting organizations by FY2024, with a focus on the Kansai region.

Join the "Kansai Storage Battery Human Resource Development Consortium"

Joint research started with Osaka Metropolitan University on technological development of all-solid-state batteries

GS Yuasa is conducting joint research with Osaka Metropolitan University on development of next-generation storage batteries and next-generation motors, a technology proposal selected in April 2022 for the NEDO Green Innovation Fund (the selected research topic is ”Next-Generation Storage Battery and Motor Development”).

〈Advanced solid-state battery development items〉

Development of a solid electrolyte that combines high ionic conductivity with superior water resistance

Development of high-capacity cathode with low cobalt content

Development of anode with high capacity and long-life performance

Development of cell design and manufacturing processes that facilitate mass production

Reduced Inequality

GS YUASA Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students Workshop Held at Children's Home

Since 2009, GS Yuasa Battery, our group company, has held the "GS YUASA Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students" every year, inviting elementary school children to submit artwork depicting "nature" as a theme. In FY2022, a workshop for this competition was held at a children's home in Tachikawa, Tokyo, on October 22, 2022. Ms. Honoka Jinzai, a spartan racer, was invited to the workshop, where she spoke to the children about the appeal of the Spartan Race and her future goals and dreams. They painted while thinking about the environment together. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our SDGs efforts by developing volunteer activities to support children with the participation of our employees.


GS YUASA Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students Workshop
(Website available only in Japanese)
GS YUASA Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students Workshop Held at Children's Home

Actively hiring people with disabilities at GS Yuasa Socie, a special subsidiary

GS Yuasa Socie offers a wide range of workplaces for people with disabilities by assigning the right people to the right jobs in accordance with the types and characteristics of disabilities, with nine types of work at the Kyoto Head Office, three types at the Osadano Sales Office, and two types at the Shizuoka Sales Office. In addition, we have established a meticulous support system that includes two full-time mental health workers, one full-time social worker, and one full-time certified psychologist, as well as two company-employed job coaches and a total of 18 vocational life counselors for persons with disabilities at each of our workplaces. We will continue to support persons with disabilities by hiring and assigning employees according to the characteristics of their disabilities, and also strive to create workplaces where they can work comfortably.

Actively hiring people with disabilities at GS Yuasa Socie, a special subsidiary

Sustainable cities
and communities
Sustainable cities and communities

Implemented initiatives to provide storage batteries to local communities free of charge

PT.GS Battery (PTGS) located in Indonesia, continues to supply storage batteries manufactured by our company to the fire brigades in Karawang Province, Indonesia. In Indonesia, where natural disasters (such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods) are many, disaster management activities carried out by the Karawang fire brigades play a very important role. PTGS assist the fire brigades in their smooth operations through the continuous supply of storage batteries. The Group will contribute to sound and sustainable development of local communities by working together and coexisting with them through our product offerings.

Implemented initiatives to provide storage batteries to local communities free of charge

Achieve safe, secure, and stable operations with the "STARELINK Service"

"STARELINK Services" are maintenance services that use proprietary remote monitoring technology and forecasting and preventive technologies. To maintain stable operation and optimal control, which is essential for emergency backup facilities for public infrastructure and renewable energy used for long periods of time, we provide preventive maintenance services using AI and DX to constantly monitor storage battery facilities in all directions to ensure a high level of safety. Our industrial battery and power supply business contributes to the stabilization of sustainable public infrastructure.


(Website available only in Japanese)
Achieve safe, secure, and stable operations with the "STARELINK Service"

And Production
Responsible Consumption
And Production

Promoting recycling initiatives for storage batteries

Lead, the primary raw material for lead-acid batteries, is ideally suited to recycling, and there are established methods for doing so. We are implementing the efforts to improve lead recycling and reuse such as collecting lead through the battery collection and recycling system based on the Act on Recycling, etc. of End-of-Life Vehicles. In addition, we continue recycling of our products no longer in use by the customer.
Cobalt, nickel, and lithium—the primary raw materials for lithium-ion batteries—not only have no established methods for recycling, but are rare resources for which tight supply and demand are concerns. We have joined and participate in the industry organizations to build a system for collecting and recycling lithium-ion batteries.

Promote recycling initiatives for storage batteries

Promoting energy conservation for freight forwarding (shipping)

As part of coordinated efforts to save energy, we created a system to identify the quantity of goods being shipped, as well as energy consumption and CO₂ emissions during logistics. We have established a system to identify the quantity of goods being shipped, as well as energy consumption and CO₂ emissions during logistics, and are implementing energy saving measures such as reducing the quantity of items shipped between sites by integration of physical distribution bases and a modal shift from trucks to rail containers and other related systems for transportation. In addition, the Group has been designated as certified by the Eco Rail Mark System (A system of certification by the Railway Freight Association, for companies and products that make thorough use of rail transportation for minimal environmental burden) for three series of batteries for automobiles and motorcycles. By getting customers to purchase certified products, we are promoting activities in which customers and companies can participate together to reduce the burden on the environment. Furthermore, we promote logistics that consider the environment by active utilization of rail freight transportation.

Promote energy conservation for freight forwarding (shipping)
Promote energy conservation for freight forwarding (shipping)

Promoting manufacturing and sales of environmentally friendly products

We define environmentally considered products as those products that help mitigate global warming, and we are actively working to develop and popularize such products. We incorporate into the Group's Mid-Term Management Plan sales targets for environmentally considered products, making it part of our business strategy to work on climate change through the products we provide to customers.

〈Examples of Environmentally Considered Products〉

Automotive Lead Acid Battery ECO. R series
Passenger car batteries that maximize fuel efficiency for eco-cars and contribute to "ECO" by being installed in them. These products are manufactured at environmentally friendly factories that use recycled lead and recycled resin for green procurement.

Lithium-ion batteries for HEVs / Lithium-ion batteries for BEVs and PHEVs
These batteries are used in electric vehicles such as HEVs, BEVs, and PHEVs, and contribute greatly to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Promote manufacturing and sales of environmentally friendly products
Promoting manufacturing and sales of environmentally friendly products

Climate Action

Endorsing Recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Joins TCFD Consortium

We recognize that climate-related issues are one of our important management issues. In December 2019 we announced our support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and we are working on climate-related information disclosure based on the TCFD framework. In fiscal 2021, we launched a project to examine climate-related risks and opportunities in accordance with the TCFD framework. The major scenarios adopted for our analysis of risks and opportunities were the 1.5°C scenario and the stated policies scenario (equivalent to the 3°C scenario). We devised strategies based on the short-term (fiscal 2025), medium-term (fiscal 2030), and long-term (fiscal 2040 and fiscal 2050) time axes.


Response to Climate Change(TCFD)
(Website available only in Japanese)
Endorsing Recommendations of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Joins TCFD Consortium

On Land
Life On Land

Breeding Plants such as "Futaba-aoi" and "Hiwogi" as a Biodiversity Conservation Initiative

Since fiscal 2021, GS Yuasa has been cultivating "Futaba-aoi (Scientific name; Asarum caulescens)", a plant native to Japan that supports Kyoto's culture, on the plant's premises and dedicating them to Kamigamo Shrine. In the same green space on the premises, we are also cultivating and displaying plants such as ”Hiwogi (Scientific name; Iris domestica)”, which is on the Kyoto Prefecture's revised Red List 2022. For these efforts, GS Yuasa has been accredited by the ”Kyoto Living Things and Culture Collaborative Regeneration Project Recognition System”.

Breeding Plants such as "Futaba-aoi" and "Hiwogi" as a Biodiversity Conservation Initiative

Supporting for Activities of the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Foundation

GS Yuasa Battery, our group company, is providing support for the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Foundation as part of initiatives to preserve the environment in the region. Furthermore, GYB offers a family tour to Yakushima as the prize to the Gold Award winner of the "GS Yuasa Eco Art Contest for Elementary School Students" which has been held from fiscal 2009, and also conducts activities for elementary school students to experience the beauty of nature.

Supporting for Activities of the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Foundation

Photo courtesy of the Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Foundation, a public interest incorporated foundation

Peace, Justice
And Strong Institutions
Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions

Participation in United Nations Global Compact

We announced that it signed the United Nations Global Compact (”UNGC”) advocated by the United Nations and was registered as a participant as of April 1, 2018. We endorse the principle of UNGC, the values of which is shared by its own Philosophy, ”We are committed to people, society and the global environment through innovation and growth of our employees and business entities,” and declares its support for the initiative. Expanding its business globally, the GS Yuasa Group will further promote the Ten Principles in the four fields sought by UNGC and fulfill its social responsibilities as a corporate citizen.

Participation in United Nations Global Compact

For The Goals
Partnerships For The Goals

Participation in "Keiji SDGs Project"

The Keiji SDGs Project is a project involving students, local companies and organizations, as well as the three cities of Kyoto, Kameoka, and Otsu, with the aim of promoting the SDGs in the local community. GS Yuasa, which operates businesses in Kyoto and Shiga, endorses the aims of the project and is a co-sponsor. As a participant in the Keiji SDGs Project, we have participated in events such as the "Otsu Citizen's Reed Cutting" and the "Project Hozugawa" (a non-profit organization) trash pickup.We will continue to contribute to the SDGs through our participation in this project.

Participation in "Keiji SDGs Project"