Philosophy & Our Policy


Innovation and Growth

We are committed to people, society, and the global environment
through the “Innovation and Growth” of our employees and business entities.

Our Policy on Sustainability Management

We are committed to utilizing advanced technologies developed in the field of stored energy solutions to deliver security and comfort to our customers around the globe, to make a real contribution to the global effort toward sustainability, and to grow corporate value.

  1. We will strive to help address the challenges to sustainability and seek lasting growth together with the community.
  2. We will pursue fair and healthy business practices, and maintain steadfast business foundations able to support sustained growth.
  3. We will strive to earn the understanding and trust of a diverse range of stakeholders through dialogue.

Our Action Principles

CSR Policy

Besides legal compliance, we respect international norms, guidelines, and initiatives related to social responsibility, work on sustainable development of our business through developing energy storage technologies, and contribute to people, society, and global environment.

Full text of CSR Policy & Code of Conduct

Fundamental Helth and Safty Policy

Fundamental Philosophy

We will create a corporate culture that ensures worker's safety and health.

Full text of Fundamental Helth and Safty Policy

Quality Policy

GS YUASA is committed to a diligent study of 'Monozukuri', customer first thinking and the improvement of products and service for the realization of our Corporate Philosophy.

'Monozukuri': Meaning 'manufacturing' is not just pointing to 'craftsmanship' in the narrow sense.

It is "the overall process of the corporation, the industry and the on-site activity, implementing the designers’ determination into the products and the services for customer satisfaction, corporate profit and job security."

Fundamental Environmental Policy

Fundamental Philosophy

We are committed to people, society, and the global environment through the “Innovation and Growth” of our employees and business entities. We will apply the advanced energy technologies we have built up through battery research and development work to deliver comfort and peace of mind to customers around the world, and aim to realize a sustainable society and increase corporate value.

Full text of Fundamental Environmental Policy

Business Continuity Policy

As a supplier of battery-related products, which serve as a driving force for society and the economy. We are committed to ensuring the continuous supply of these products even during disaster situations. Additionally, we strive to support our business partners and contribute to regional reconstruction.

Full text of Business Continuity Policy

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

GS YUASA, in its sustainability management through the practice of Corporate Philosophy, considers it important to build trust and co-create value with the various stakeholders surrounding the company. Based on this belief, we are committed to appropriate collaboration with multiple stakeholders.

Full text of Multi-Stakeholder Policy